Tag: Pacific Coast

  • Tips for Better Bike Camping

    Tips for Better Bike Camping

    Heading out for a camping trip by bike is gaining in popularity, as you can mix favorite types of recreation together. Why not load up your bike and skip the car? You may just get bitten by the bike travel bug and turn a weekend into a journey. Load the Right Bike Long-haul cyclists use…

  • Cycle the green, coastal charms of Southwest Washington

    The smooth ribbon of asphalt is surrounded by a sea of waist-high beach grass and marked only by trailheads emblazoned with archways bearing the date 1805. Set your wheels on this 8.5-mile-long Discovery Trail and feel yourself floating along the undulating beach breeze. If that sounds like an ideal cycling vacation destination, plan to pack your panniers…

  • Seattle to Vancouver: A Great Summer Trip

    A cyclist from San Francisco was looking for a fun summer bike trip to the shores of the Salish Sea and asked about cycling Seattle to Vancouver, B.C. In a Seattle Times article a couple of years ago I recommended a southbound version of that route, and that is the direction you’d go if following the…