Tag: Vegetables

  • Save Your Own Seeds

    Save Your Own Seeds

    Do friends rave about your vegetables? I don’t have to ask if you rave about them to your friends, because I know you do. Most committed edible gardeners are more than just a little crazy about their produce. It’s closer to a love affair. I can still hear myself waxing poetic about the amazing Jimmy Nardello…

  • Sharp Idea: Tend to Your Tools

    Heather from a Southern California beach town contacted me recently about using sand for cleaning garden tools. She had come across my Seattle Times article on tool maintenance. This seemed like a good time to revisit this task, which I do every winter. Hi Bill, Someone from my local gardening group keeps her garden tools in…

  • Autumn Garden Blazes

    Autumn in my edible garden is a growing and even blooming season. With a backdrop of blazing fall tree color, cool season vegetables inch upwards like a roomful of nieces and nephews whose growth is notable at a holiday dinner visit. If family visits our place for a winter feast, some of it will come…

  • Garlic Harvest: A Bulbous Bounty of Spice

    I knocked my head against a hanging braid of garlic the other day, and instead of the predictable response, I had to smile. That ceiling rack in the garage holds the spice of many meals. And the harvest is the result of nearly effortless planting. Please grow garlic. It’s so easy, and it’s so good.…

  • Catalogs Spark a Perfect-Bound Desire to Plant

    part 1 of 4 on seed catalogs Sometimes desire is a tiger caught by the tail. It whips you around and sends you tumbling, arms outstretched. But in the coldest winter time, coasting through the short light of the after-holidays, it does not have to fill you with hot ambition. It might be enough just…