Seattle to Vancouver: A Great Summer Trip

A cyclist from San Francisco was looking for a fun summer bike trip to the shores of the Salish Sea and asked about cycling Seattle to Vancouver, B.C. In a Seattle Times article a couple of years ago I recommended a southbound version of that route, and that is...

Favas & Garlic: Savory Spring Recipe

The garlic has just begun its sun salutations. Bouquets of fava bean leaves are catching the spring rains as they emerge on sturdy stems. The promise of these two early summer delicacies is just coming into leaf, but already it’s blooming in my mind. What awaits...

Honoring Soil, a Gardener’s Greatest Resource

This morning, on the first day of spring, I took a walk through my garden, considering how to celebrate the occasion. One look at the planting bed I prepared yesterday gave me the answer: spring starts with the soil. The cleared soil is ready for planting if it’s warm...

Protecting Seedlings From Frost

Early this morning, I saw frost on my neighbors’ roofs, and a light smattering of it on my lawn. And my birdbath water had a very thin layer of ice. Should I be worried? Ice in the birdbath If I have planted any vegetable seeds outdoors that are now breaking through...